The Florida Pools has the best fiberglass vinyl liner pool. A vinyl liner for a custom pool if fiberglassed, it will either fail immediately, which means it will split, and not hold water, or fail within 5 years if your lucky, more like 2 years, it also costs almost triple the price of vinyl, and vinyl which lasts upwards of 20 years, so if you make the stupid move of glass, your going to have to replace it immediately or within 5 years, it’s triple the cost, and your going to have to pay an additional $2,000 to reconvert it back to the vinyl track, and skimmers, the company who convinced you to do this will be out if biz because they have been sued, so many times, a vinyl pool structure moves, it does, it is not cement, and when it moves the fiberglass cracks, plain and simple, and diamond bright, even worse, don’t even consider doing this. Basically by trying to retrofit You will lose $7,000 dollars, also if you have a pool and you want to add security surface around the pool, you can contact services like Soft Surfaces to help you in this area. It can’t be done, correctly, where it is a solution, Stick with vinyl or go to Alkorplan geothermal PVC Membrane which is better than any solution out there it lasts 40 years, so make sure you hire professional like these Gunite Pool Builders to get the job done right.